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Tuesday 1 October 2013

Pork & Pea puff pastry pie!

This is a pie for four people - it's quite tricky to make and took me about 20 minutes to prep everything and a total of 45 minutes to cook. It's good to eat if you've got the time to spend on it and costs less than £2.00 each.


1 tbsp olive oil
1 small onion - finely chopped
1 garlic clove - crushed
2 carrot, peeled and cut into chunks
500g smoked bacon joint - trim the fat off and cut it into cubes
20g pack parsley sauce mix
300ml semi-skimmed milk
250g fresh broccoli, cut into small pieces
200g frozen peas
Pack of ready rolled puff pastry
Small egg - beaten

How to make

Preheat the oven to 180 oC, fan 160oC, Gas 4.

In a large pan heat the oil and cook the onion for 5 mins until soft.

Add the garlic, carrots and bacon and cook for a further 5 mins.

Meanwhile make up the parsley sauce following the pack instructions using the milk.

Stir it into the pan with the bacon mix and add the broccoli and peas.

Season with black pepper and pour the mixture into a pie dish.

Unroll the puff pastry and cut into 2cm wide strips - arrange these over the top of the dish and trim any excess.

Brush the beaten egg over the top and bake in the oven for about 30 minutes until the pastry is golden and the filling is bubbling.

I had some pastry left over so made some cheese straws - I mixed some grated cheese into the pastry and re-rolled it out and then cut into strips.I brushed them with the left over beaten egg and then twisted the strips and put them on a greased baking tray.
I then put them in the oven with the pie and baked them for 20 mins.

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